18 teen cocktease phone sex

So many men either don’t password protect their computers or they make them something easy to guess. Do you know how many men use their anniversaries or a special birthday? Well while I’m house sitting I have to make my own entertainment. Most of your wives lock the “good” channels so I snoop around on your computer to check facebook or twitter when I can’t get cell reception at your place. What did you expect a cute barely legal phone sex girl to do when she’s hanging at your place? Read? Watch HGTV? Not happening. So I snoop and OMG you guys keep some of the dirtiest things right in my reach. Do you know what a bratty cocktease phone sex girl like me likes to do? ~giggle~ I take some of my private pics from my FB account and put them in your super private spank bank folder. Then I masturbate my wet little cunny in your bed thinking about you seeing them and jacking off to my tiny bald pussy and soft perky boobies. Then I just wonder if you have the balls to confront me.

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