Switch Phone Sex with Melody

Well, switch phone sex is sure fun, isn’t it? I love it when we are rolling along doing our dirty things and all of a sudden there’s a moment where we both realize the power has changed. Switch, baby! It’s hot, sexy fun to be able to do that and not everyone can. Especially people that are incredibly dominant and always in control in every aspect of their life. They seem to find it hard to let someone else take charge. The same thing applies to those that are genuinely submissive and wouldn’t know how to be the boss of anything. That’s certainly fine and acceptable. But what we’re talking about here, is those that can take on either role and own it. Not everyone can do that. Sometimes they think they can, but it’s not very convincing, and I can’t help but poke and tease until they agree. But man, when you can do it and really almost become someone different, that drives me wild!

Switch Phone Sex

For instance, let’s say we are having a roleplay where, for whatever reason, I am completely in charge of you. I have all the power, and I’ve made you submit to my every whim and desire and have really been enjoying myself. There could be humiliation and bondage or whatever or just some mind games. But I have been sitting on my throne making you jump and beg and behave as you do my bidding. When suddenly, some small weakness appears and my normally docile sub sees the opening and takes it. One moment I’m feeling all superior and toying with you and the next minute you are standing up to me and taking charge. That is switch phone sex and I love it. Like I said, it’s not easy to pull off. You really have to have a firm confidence to be able to successfully take the reins from me. If there’s the slightest hesitancy or uncertainty, it will not work, and I will walk all over you.

Pick up the phone now and ask for Melody at 1-888-314-6639

Twitter/X: @kinkymelody

Phone Sex Academy