Truth be told I am not in college but that doesnt mean I cant rock those school girl phone sex fantasies. I mean hello look at me? I can rock a sweet private school uniform like no ones business. Toss some pigtails in my hair and some mary jane shoes over my white knee high socks and we are well on our way to some serious extreme taboo school girl phone sex fun!

Ok you dont have to go down that extreme route if you dont wanna but hey I am a no limit phone girl that likes to indulge in the taboo stuff so you know just gonna toss it out there. Course since I am being all truthful and confessing shit, I might as well say the school I went too didnt have a cheer leading squad. No clue why something about flashing our panties while we twirled in the air being unmoral blah blah blah. Ya you can see why I ended up being a nasty phone girl right? NO RULES!
Anyways I dont have the best cheers but I do love the cheerleader fantasies so if you can look past my RAH RAH I cant rhyme worth shit but my dick sucking skills are on point! chants then we will get along just fine.
Whats the point of all this? I guess just to say I am kind of missing my school days and spending time in the principals office for teasing the teacher. So if your looking for someone who can be a touch bratty but is down for a fun school girl phone sex fantasy then *raises hand in the air* PICK ME! Josie.
You can reach me by calling 1-888-314-6639 just ask for Josie